What is Draft?

When you start to write on a selected topic, you can save what you write as a draft instead of publishing it. When you save a post as a draft, it is available to you for future editing or improvement. The draft will not be visible to other users till you publish it. You can publish it later after you have perfected the article to your satisfaction by adding images, headings, and so on.

The steps listed below will help you understand how to save what you write as a draft:

  1. Log in to your Coderons account first.
  2. Click on the Blue Plus (+) button.
  3. Click on Add Post.
  4. You will see the Editor now.
  5. Begin writing the article after giving a title and a cover photo if you want.
  6. Now, to save your article as a draft, click on the publish menu. You will now see the Save Draft button.